Chapters on Drinks
كتاب الأشربة
Chapter 9: Every intoxicant is haram
“Every intoxicant is Khamr (wine) and every Khamr is unlawful.”
“Everyintoxicant is unlawful.”
Chapter 10: What causes intoxication in large amounts, a small amount of it is (also) unlawful
“Every intoxicant is unlawful and whatever causesintoxication in large amounts, a small amount of it is (also)unlawful.”
“Whatever causes intoxication in large amounts, a smallamount of it is (also) unlawful.”
“Whatevercausesintoxication in large amounts a small amount of it is (also)unlawful.”
Chapter 11: The prohibition of mixing two fruits
Another chain reports the same.
‘Do not make Nabidh with dried dates and unripe dates together,make Nabidh with each of them on its own.”
“Do not combine fresh datesand unripe dates, or raisins and dates; rather make Nabidh with eachone of them on its own.”*
Chapter 12: Description of Nabidh and how it is drunk
“We used to make Nabidh for theMessenger of Allah (ﷺ) in a water skin. We would take a handful ofdates or a handful of raisins, and put them in it, then pour waterover it. We would make that in the morning and he would drink it intheevening, or we would make it in the evening and he would drink itinthe morning.”
“Nabidh would be made for theMessenger of Allah (ﷺ) and he would drink it on the same day, orthenext day, or the third day, and if there was any left he wouldthrowit away or give orders that it was to be thrown away.”
“Nabidh would be madeforthe Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) in a vessel of stone.”
Chapter 13: The prohibition of making Nabidh in certain vessels
“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)forbade making Nabidh in Naqir, Muzaffat, Dubba’, and Hantamah. Andhesaid: ‘Every intoxicant is unlawful.”*
“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)forbade making Nabidh in Muzaffat or a gourd.”
“The Messenger ofAllah(ﷺ) forbade drinking from Hantam, Dubba’ and Naqir.
“The Messenger ofAllah (ﷺ) forbade Dubba’ and Hantam.”
Chapter 14: Concessions regarding that
“I used to forbid you to use certain vessels, but now makeNabidh in them, but avoid all intoxicants.”
“Iused to forbid you from making Nabidh in certain vessels, butavessel does not make something unlawful. All intoxicants areunlawful.”
Chapter 15: Nabidh made in (earthenware) jars
“Is anyone of you incapable oftakinga water skin from the skin of her sacrifice each year?” Thenshesaid: “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) forbade making Nabidh in(earthenware) jars, and in such and such, and such and such, exceptfor vinegar.”
“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)forbade making Nabidh in (earthenware) jars.”
“Some Nabidh from an(earthenware)jar was brought to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and itwas bubbling.He said: ‘Throw this against the wall, for this is thedrink of onewho does not believe in Allah and the Last Day.’”