The Chapters on Jihad
كتاب الجهاد
Chapter 9: Going in response to a general call to arms
“He was thebest ofpeople, the most generous of people, the most courageous ofpeople.The people of Al-Madinah became alarmed one night, and he wasthefirst of them to investigate the noise and din. He was riding ahorsebelonging to Abu Talhah, bareback, with no saddle. His sword washanging from his neck and he was saying: ‘O people, do not beafraid,’sending them back to their houses. Then he said of thehorse, ‘Wefound it like a sea,’ or, ‘It is a sea.’”*
“If youarecalled to arms then go forth.”
“Thedust(of Jihad) in the cause of Allah and the smoke of Hell will neverbecombined in the interior of a Muslim.”
“Whoever goes out in the cause of Allah will have the equivalentofthe dust that got on him, in musk, on the Day of Resurrection.”
Chapter 10: The virtue of battles at sea
“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) slept near me one day,then he woke up smiling. I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, what hasmadeyou smile?’ He said: ‘People of my nation who were shown tome (in mydream) riding across this sea like kings on thrones.’ Isaid:‘Supplicate to Allah to make me one of them.’” So heprayed for her.Then he slept again, and did likewise, and she saidthe same as shesaid before, and he replied in the same manner. Shesaid: “Pray toAllah to make me one of them,” and he said: “Youwill be one of thefirst ones.” He said: “Then she went out withher husband, ‘Ubadah binSamit, as a fighter, the first time thatthe Muslims crossed the seawith Mu’awiyah bin Abu Sufyan. On theirway back, after they hadfinished fighting, they stopped in Sham. Ananimal was brought nearfor her to ride it, but it threw her off, andshe died.”
“Amilitary expedition by sea is like ten expeditions by land.The onewho suffers from seasickness is like one who gets drenched inhis ownblood in the cause of Allah.”
I heard Abu Umamah saying:Iheard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: “The martyr at sea is liketwo martyrs on land, and the one who suffers seasickness is like onewho gets drenched in his own blood on land. The time spent betweenonewave and the next is like a lifetime spent in obedience to Allah.Allah has appointed the Angel of Death to seize souls, except for themartyr at sea, for Allah Himself seizes their souls. He forgives themartyrs on land for all sins except debt, but (He forgives) themartyrat sea all his sins and his debt.”
Chapter 11: Mention of Dailam and the virtue of Qazvin
“Even if there was only one day left of this world, Allah wouldmake it last until a man from my household took possession of (themountain of) Dailam and Constantinople.”
“The horizons will be opened to you, and you will conquer a citycalled Qazvin. Whoever is stationed there for forty days or fortynights, will have pillars of gold in Paradise, with green chrysoliteand topped by a dome of rubies. It will have seventy thousand doors,at each door will be a wife from among the wide-eyed houris.’”
Chapter 12: A man who goes to fight when his parents are still alive
Another chain reports a similar hadith.
Ibn Majah said: This is Jahimah bin 'Abbas bin Mirdas As-Sulaimi who criticized the Prophet ﷺ the Day of Hunain.
“A man came to theMessenger of Allah (ﷺ) and said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, I havecomeseeking to go out in Jihad with you, seeking thereby the Face ofAllahand the Hereafter. I have come even though my parents areweeping.’ Hesaid: ‘Go back to them and make them smile as youhave made themweep.’”
Chapter 13: The intention in fighting
“The Prophet (ﷺ) was askedabout aman who fights to prove his courage, or out of pride andhonour forhis close relatives, or to show off. The Messenger of Allah(ﷺ)said: ‘Whoever fights so that the Word of Allah may be supremeisthe one who (is fighting) in the cause of Allah.’”
“I was present with the Prophet (ﷺ) on the DayofUhud. I struck a man from among the idolaters and said: ‘Take that!And I am a Persian slave!’ News of that reached the Prophet (ﷺ)andhe said: ‘Why did you not say: “Take that! And I am an Ansarislave!?”
“I heard the Prophet (ﷺ) say: ‘Thereis noband of warriors that fights in the cause of Allah and acquireswarspoils, but they have been given two thirds of their reward, butifthey do not get any spoils of war, then they will have theirreward infull (in the Hereafter).’”
Chapter 14: Keeping horses in the cause of Allah
“Goodness is tied to the forelocks of horses until the DayofResurrection.”
“There is goodness in the forelocks of horses until theDay of Resurrection.”
“There is goodness in the forelocks of horses” – or he said:“There is goodness tied in the forelocks of horses.” Suhail (oneofthe narrators) said: “I am not certain of” – “until theDay ofResurrection. And horses are of three types: those that bringrewardto a man, those that are a means of protection for a man, andthosethat are a burden (of sin) for a man. As for those that bringreward,a man keeps them in the cause of Allah and keeps themconstantly ready(for Jihad), so they do not take any fodder intotheir stomachs but areward will be written for him, and if he putsthem out to pasture,they do not eat anything but reward will bewritten for him. If hegives them to drink from a flowing river, forevery drop that enterstheir stomachs there will be reward,”(continuing) until he mentionedreward in conjunction with theirurine and droppings, and even whenthey run here and there bythemselves, for each step they take areward will be written for him– ‘As for those that are a means ofprotection, a man keeps thembecause they are a source of dignity andadornment, but he does notforget the rights of their backs andstomachs (i.e., their right notto be overworked and their right to befed) whether at times of theirdifficulty or ease. As for those thatbring a burden (of sin), theone who keeps them for purposes ofwrongdoing or for pomp and showbefore people, is the one for whomthey bring a burden of sin.”
“The best of horses are those that are deep black,with ablaze on the forehead, white marks on the legs and white noseandupper lip, and with no whiteness on the right foreleg. If notdeep-black, then reddish-brown, with these markings.”
“The Prophet (ﷺ) used todislikehorses that had three legs with white markings on them, andone legthe same color as the rest of the body.”
“I heard the Messenger ofAllah(ﷺ) say: ‘Whoever ties a horse in the cause of Allah, thenfeedsit with his own hand, he will have one merit for every grain.’”