كتاب الفتن
Chapter 34: The appearance of the Mahdi
"Mahdi is one of us, the people of the Household. Allahwill rectify himin a single night."
"We were with Umm Salamah and we were discussing Mahdi. She said: 'I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: "Mahdi will be one of the descendents of Fatimah."
"I heard the MessengerofAllah (ﷺ) say: 'We, the sons of 'Abdul-Muttalib, will be leadersof the people of Paradise: Myself, Hamzah. 'Ali, Ja'far, Hasan,Husain and Mahdi."
"People will come from the east,paving the way for Mahdi," meaning, for his rule.
Chapter 35: The fierce battles
“Jubair said to me:‘Let’s go to Dhu Mikhmar, who was a man from among the Companionsofthe Prophet (ﷺ).’ So I went with them and he asked him aboutthepeace treaty (with the Romans). He said: ‘I heard the Prophet(ﷺ)say: “The Romans will enter into a peace treaty with you,then you andthey will fight one another as enemies, and you will bevictorious;you will collect the spoils of war and be safe. Then youwill comeback until you stop in a meadow with many hillocks. A manfrom amongthe people of the Cross will raise the Cross and will say:‘The Crosshas prevailed.’ Then a man among the Muslims willbecome angry andwill go and break the Cross. Then the Romans willprove treacherous(breaking the treaty) (and will gather) for thefierce battle.”
"They will gather for the fierce battle, and at that time they will come with eighty banners, under each of which will be twelve thousand troops."
“When the fierce battles take place, Allah will send a troopoffreed slaves who will be the best Arab horsemen and the bestarmed,with whom Allah will support His religion.”
"You will fight theArabian Peninsula and victory will be granted by Allah. Then you willfight the Romans and victory will be granted (by Allah). Then youwill fight Dajjal and victory will be granted (by Allah)."Jabir said: "Dajjal will not appear until you have fought the Romans."
"The great fierce battle, the conquest of Constantinople and theemergence of Dajjal, will all happen within seven months."
"Between the fierce battle and the conquest ofAl-Madinahwill be six years, and the appearance of Dajjal will comein theseventh.'"
“The Messenger of Allah(ﷺ) said:‘The Hour will not begin until the closest Muslimoutpost will be atBaula’.’ Then he said: ‘O ‘Ali, O ‘Ali,O ‘Ali.’ He (‘Ali) said: ‘Maymy father and mother beransomed for you.’ He said: ‘You will fightBanu Asfar (theRomans) and those who come after you will fight them,until the bestof the Muslims go out to fight them, the people ofHijaz who do notfear the blame of anyone for the sake of Allah. Theywill conquerConstantinople with Tasbih and Takbir and will acquiresuch spoils ofwar as has never been seen before, which they willdistribute by theshieldful. Someone will come and say: “Masih hasappeared in yourland!” But he will be lying, so the one who takes(some of thespoils) will regret it, and the one who leaves it behindwill regretit too.’”
“There will be a treaty between you and BanuAsfar(The Romans), but they will betray you and will march againstyou witheighty banners, under each of which there will be twelvethousandtroops.”
Chapter 36: The Turks
“The Hour will not begin until you fight people with shoesofhair, and the Hour will not begin until you fight people withsmalleyes.”
‘The Hour will not begin until you fight people with smalleyesand small, even noses, as if their faces were hammered shields.Andthe Hour will not begin until you fight people whose shoes aremade ofhair.”
“I heard the Prophet(ﷺ) say: ‘One of the portents of the Hour is that you fightpeoplewith broad faces, as if their faces are hammered shields. Andone ofhte portents of the Hour is that you will fight people whowear shoesof hair.’”
“The Hour will not begin until you fight peoplewith smalleyes and wide faces, as if their eyes are the pupils oflocusts and asif their faces are hammered shields. They will bewearing shoes ofhair, using leather shields and tying their horsesto date-palmtrees.”