The Rites of Pilgrimage

كتاب المناسك

Chapter 21: The Sacrificial Animals - Section 1

‘A’isha said that the Prophet once brought sheep (The word is ghanam which can mean either sheep or goats) for sacrifice to the House and garlanded them. Bukhari and Muslim.

Jabir said that God’s messenger slaughtered a cow for ‘A’isha on the day of sacrifice. Muslim transmitted it.

He said that the Prophet sacrificed a cow for his wives at his pilgrimage. Muslim transmitted it.

'A’isha said

I twisted the garlands of the Prophet’s sacrificial camels with my own hands, after which he garlanded them, marked them, and sent them as offerings, and nothing which had been lawful for him became forbidden. (When one is not performing the pilgrimage he is not subject to the restrictions applicable to pilgrims up to the day of sacrifice.)Bukhari and Muslim.

She said

I twisted their garlands from carded wool which I had, then he sent them with my father. Bukhari and Muslim.

Abu Huraira said that God’s messenger saw a man driving a sacrificial camel and told him to ride on it, to which he replied that it was a sacrifical camel. He told him again to ride on it and received the same reply, so he said, “Ride on it, bother you,” (Literally, 'woe to you’) either the second or third time he spoke. Bukhari and Muslim.

Abuz Zubair said he heard Jabir b. ‘Abdallah being asked about riding sacrificial animals, to which he replied that he had heard the Prophet say, “Ride on them gently when you have nothing else, till you find a mount.” Muslim transmitted it.

Ibn ‘Abbas said that God’s messenger sent sixteen sacrificial camels with a man whom he put in charge of them. He asked God’s messenger what he should do with those of them which became fatigued and he replied, “Slaughter them, then dye their shoes in their blood, and put them on the sides of their humps ; but neither you nor any who are with you must eat any part of them.” Muslim transmitted it.

Jabir said

In the year of al-Hudaibiya(6 A.H.) we, along with God's messenger, sacrificed a camel for seven people and a cow for seven people. Muslim transmitted it.

Ibn ‘Umar came upon a man who had made his camel kneel and was sacrificing it, so he told him to make it stand up fettered according to the sunna of Muhammad. Bukhari and Muslim.

‘Ali said that God’s messenger put him in charge of his sacrificial I camels, telling him to give their flesh, skins and saddle-cloths as sadaqa,but not to give anything to the butcher, saying he would pay him himself.Bukhari and Muslim.

Jabir said they were not accustomed to eat the flesh of their sacrificial camels for more than three days, but God’s messenger gave them licence saying, “Eat and preserve the meat,” so they did so. Bukhari and Muslim.

Chapter 22: The Sacrificial Animals - Section 2

The traditions of Ibn ‘Abbas and Jabir have been mentioned in the chapter on the sacrifices.

Ibn ‘Abbas said that in the year of al-Hudaibiya the Prophet included among his sacrificial animals a camel with a silver (a version has gold) nose-ring which had belonged to Abu Jahl,( A chief of Quraish who had been hostile to the Prophet. He was killed at Badr) thereby enraging the polytheists. Abu Dawud transmitted it.

Najiya al-Khuza‘i said he asked God's messenger what he should do with sacrificial camels which became fatigued, and he told him to slaughter them, dip their shoes in their blood, and leave them for the people to eat. Malik, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, but Abu Dawud and Darimi transmitted it from Najiya al-Aslami.

'Abdallah b. Qurt reported the Prophet as saying that the greatest day in God’s sight is the day of sacrifice and next the day of resting,( Yaum al-qarr, the 11th ol Dhul Hijja) which Thaur(He is one of those who occur in the isnad) said was the second day. Five or six sacrificial camels were brought to God’s messenger and they (i.e. the camels. The suggestion is that each coveted the blessing of being sacrificed first. 'This is said to be one of the Prophet's miracles. Cf. Mirqat, iii, 237) began to draw near to see which he would sacrifice first. When they fell down [dead] he said something in a low voice which ‘Abdallah did not catch, so he asked what he had said and was told he had said that anyone who wished could cut off a piece. Abu Dawud transmitted it.

Chapter 23: The Sacrificial Animals - Section 3

Salama b. al-Akwa‘ reported the Prophet as saying, “Those of you who make a sacrifice must not have any of it in their house after three days." The following year the people asked him whether they should do as they had done the previous year, and he said, “Eat, provide food for others, and store some up, for that year there was distress among the people and I wanted you to help them." Bukhari and Muslim.

Nubaisha reported God’s messenger as saying, “I forbade you to eat their meat for more than three days in order that you might have abundance [for charity] ; but God has produced abundance, so you may eat, store up and seek reward. These days are days of eating, drinking and remembrance of God." Abu Dawud transmitted it.

Chapter 24: Shaving - Section 1

Ibn ‘Umar said that God’s messenger had his head shaved at the Farewell Pilgrimage, as did some of his companions, but some had their hair clipped. Bukhari and Muslim.

Ibn ‘Abbas said that Mu'awiya told him he had clipped some hair from the Prophet’s head at al-Marwa with a broad, iron arrowhead. Bukhari and Muslim.

Ibn ‘Umar told that at the Farewell Pilgrimage God's messenger said, “O God, have mercy on those who have themselves shaved.” The people suggested that he should add those who had clipped their hair. He again said the same words, and when they made the same suggestion, he added “and those who clip their hair.” Bukhari and Muslim.